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Trees are one of the most important placements you can put in your landscape design. A tree should generally always be a very attractive focal point in a garden design. There are many different reasons for planting trees. Each is unique to your own garden and taste. For example, you may plant a large shade tree to cool your house in summer from the warm effects of the sun. This helps cut down on costly air conditioning bills. In the same effect, in winter, when the leaves fall, it allows sunlight to warm your home and cut down on heating bills. Large trees can also be used on properties as a sound barrier for street noise or noisy neighbours. Also, trees can cut down on the amount of wind that blows into your garden.

In today's newer properties, the lots are smaller and homes are closer together. Trees are not only used for their attractiveness in the garden, but also used to create privacy screens from neighbours windows, patios, decks etc...

Choosing A Tree

It can be very difficult choosing a tree for your property. Here are some factors that should affect your decision.

  • Type of tree you need (Coniferous/evergreen vs. Deciduous - This is based on what you need the tree to accomplish - privacy, block an ugly view, provide shade for a deck etc...)
  • Type of tree you want (More based on aesthetics - Winter interest, flowering, scented, topiary/decorative, home for birds, etc...)
  • Sun vs. Shade (Note: When planning your landscape design, consider that as your tree grows, it will create more shade, so the plants you select for a sunny location, may eventually be in the shade)
  • Colour of the tree in all months (ie fall colour) Be aware of not just the trees on your property, but also your neighbours as well. It may be beneficial for you to plant different species than your neighbours, from a design standpoint as well as a safety standpoint, to cut down on the spread of different diseases.
  • Space requirements. You should look at whether the area can withstand the trees eventual growth in its maturity. If the tree is too large for the area in its maturity, it may have to be removed which will cause a very large gap in the landscape design. Not too mention that it is quite costly to have large trees taken out. Do not focus necessarily on what the tree looks like in the nursery. When making your decision, consider the eventual size of the tree.
  • Environmental Condition Requirements. The pH level of the soil (acidic or alkaline) should be consistent with what the tree requires for its optimum health. Triple Mix and compost will neutralize acidic soil, where Peat moss will add acidity for trees that require that. See the section on Soil Conditions for an easy way to test your soil.
  • Type of Existing Soil. (Clay, sandy, loam, or a mixture)
  • Maintenance Level. (Pruning, picking up leaves in fall, cleaning eaves troughs, fertilizing, watering and winterizing)
  • Risk of disease or infestation. When choosing a tree, try to find out the history of that species of tree. Have there been a lot of diseases or insects that have caused problems with that variety? If so, are you willing to use the necessary insecticides and fungicides to solve the problem? Consider that a lot of the chemical-based products are being phased out of the market. Are there environmentally-friendly alternatives? What insects like this variety of tree?
  • Drainage. Some trees thrive in very moist conditions, where other trees will flourish in dryer conditions, so take your current drainage into consideration. Never plant a tree to stop or alter your properties drainage. Never plant a tree too deep (See the section on Planting a Tree for more information on this).

It is highly recommended that you seek the advice of a tree expert (Expertrees _ ) to ensure that you get the tree you want and the tree gets a home it needs. You should only plant a tree once so save yourself the time, effort and money by using an expert for the tree selection and ideally, the installation of the tree.

Trees are generally sold in two ways, either as a plastic-potted container-grown plant or a heavy wire basket tree. The wire basket trees are not only heavy but can perhaps be too wide to get into your back yard gardens, due to gates, fences, air conditioners or other obstructions . It is very dangerous for the average gardener to attempt to plant a wire basket tree, due to the weight. It is worth the money to have a professional (Expertrees) come to install your trees.

Examples of Weights

  • 20" (diameter of ball) wire basket weighs approximately 230 lbs
  • 24" wire basket weighs approximately 350 lbs
  • 28" wire basket weighs approximately 585 lbs
  • 32" wire basket weighs approximately 840 lbs
  • 36" wire basket weighs approximately 1060 lbs
  • 40" wire basket weighs approximately 1545 lbs
  • 45" wire basket weighs approximately 1860 lbs

As you can see, it quickly becomes impossible for a homeowner to plant this without assistance. Contact Expertrees for more information or for a quote.


Check the utilities around the area you plan to install the tree. The numbers in Ontario are 1-800-400-2255 or 905-709-1717, fax # is 1-800-400-8876.


Large Specimen Evergreens
Variety Mature Height Zone Sun / SHade / Partial Shade
Norway Spruce 20m 2 S, PS
Weeping Norway Spruce 2-3m 3 S, PS
White Spruce 15m 2 S, PS
Serbian Spruce 15m 5 S
Colorado Blue Spruce 20m 2 S
Colorado Spruce 20m 2 S
Baker Blue Spruce 9m 3 S
Hoopsi Blue Spruce 10m 2 S
Fat Albert Spruce 3-4m 3 S
Columnar Blue Spruce 15m 3 S
Bristlecone Pine 6m 2 S
Swiss Stone Pine 10m 2 S
Pyramidal Vanderwolf Pine 5-6m 4 S, PS
Austrian Pine 12m 4 S, PS
Bosnian Redcone Pine 10m 5 S, PS
White Pine 30m 3 S, PS
Pyramidal White Pine 8m 3 S, PS
Weeping White Pine 8m 3 S, PS
Scots Pine 15m 3 S, PS
Columnar Scots Pine 10m 4 S, PS
Balsam Fir 20m 5 S
Silver Fir 15m 4 S
Fraser Fir 20m 5 S
Rocky Mountain Dwarf Fir 3m 5 S
Douglas Fir 30m 5 S, PS
White Cedar 12m 2 S, PS
Emerald Cedar 2-3m 4 S, PS
Pyramidal Cedar 3-4m 3 S, PS
Holmstrup Cedar 2m 3 S, PS
Black Cedar 3-4m 3 S, PS
Brandon Pyramidal Cedar 3m 5 S, PS
European Larch 10m 2 S
Weeping Larch 2m 4 S
Eastern Larch (Tamarack) 15m 2 S
Canadian Hemlock 20m 4 S, SH
Weeping False Cypress 10m 5 S, PS
Blue Nootka Cypress 10m 5 S, PS

Shade and Ornamental Trees by Height, Zone, and Sun Tolerance
Variety Mature Height Zone Sun / SHade / Partial Shade
Amur Maple 6m 3 S
Hedge Maple 10m 5 S, PS
Paperbark Maple 9m 5 S, PS
Black Maple 20-25m 5 S, PS
Striped Maple 5m 4 SH, PS
Sycamore Maple 12-15m 5 S
Columnar Maple 12m 5 S, PS
Crimson Century Maple 12m 4 S
Crimson King Maple 12m 4 S
Royal Red Maple 12m 4 S
Deborah Maple 15m 5 S, PS
Fairview Maple 14m 4 S, PS
Harlequin Maple 12m 5 S, PS
Emerald Queen Maple 15m 5 S, PS
Globe Maple 4m 5 S, PS
Princeton Gold Maple 11m 5 S
Pacific Sunset Maple 9m 5 S
Canadian Red Maple 10-15m 4 S
Armstrong Maple (columnar) 15-20m 4 S
Autumn Blaze Maple 15m 4 S
Autumn Flame Maple 20m 4 S
Morgan Maple 12-15m 4 S
Red Sunset Maple 12-15m 4 S
Silver Maple 15-20m 4 S
Sheridan Silver Maple 25m 4 S
Skinner Cutleaf Maple 20m 4 S
Sugar Maple 25m 4 S
Sugar Maple - Bonfire 15m 4 S, SH
Sugar Maple - Commemoration 15m 4 S, SH
Sugar Maple - Green Mountain 22m 4 S, SH
Sugar Maple - Legacy 17m 4 S, SH
Sugar Maple - Majesty 20m 4 S, SH
Sugar Maple - Pyramidal 8-10m 4 S, SH
Tartarian Maple 6m 4 S
Ruby-Red Horse Chestnut 12m 5 S
Yellow Buckeye Chestnut 20m 4 S, SH
Ohio Buckeye Chestnut 8m 4 S
Common Horse Chestnut 18m 4 S
Tree of Heaven 15-20m 5 S, SH
White Alder 10m 4 S, SH
Downey Serviceberry Tree 7m 4 S, SH
Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry 7m 4 S, SH
Ballerina Serviceberry 7m 4 S, SH
Robin Hill Serviceberry 7m 4 S, SH
Japanese Angelica Tree 4m 5 S
Devil's Walking Stick 15m 5 S
Yellow Birch 25m 4 S
Paper Birch (clump) 12m 3 S
Cutleaf Weeping Birch 15m 3 S
Trost Dwarf Cutleaf Birch 125cm 5 S
Young's Weeping Birch 4m 3 S
White Spire Japanese Birch 15m 5 S
Gray Birch 15m 3 S
Himalayan Birch 12m 5 S
Crimson Frost Birch 10m 4 S
Weeping Siberian Peashrub 2m 2 S, PS
Walker's Weeping Peashrub 2m 2 S, PS
Pyramidal Hornbeam 10m 5 S, PS
Blue Beech (American Hornbeam) 10m 4 S, SH
Globe Catalpa 3m 5 S
Northern Catalpa 15m 5 S
Common Hackberry 15m 3 S
Katsura Tree 12m 5 S, PS
Weeping Katsura Tree 4m 5 S, PS
Eastern Redbud 10m 6 S, PS
Forest Redbud Pansy 10m 6 S, PS
Yellowwood 12m 5 S, PS
Flowering Pagoda Dogwood 8m 4 S, SH
Flowering Dogwood (Cornus Florida) 7m 6 S, SH
Chinese Flowering Dogwood (Cornus Kousa) 6m 5 S, SH 
Satomi Chinese Flowering Dogwood 6m 5 S, SH
Stellar Pink Chinese Flowering Dogwood 6m 5 S, SH
Cornelian Cherry (Cornus Mas) 5m 5 S, PS
Gray Dogwood Treeform 3m 4 S, SH
Purpleleaf Hazel Treeform 5m 4 S
Turkish Hazel 15m 5 S
Cotoneaster Treeform 150cm 5 S, PS
Cockspur Hawthorn 6m 4 S
Crimson Cloud Hawthorn 8m 4 S
Paul's Scarlet Hawthorn 6m 5 S
Snowbird Hawthorn 8m 4 S
Toba Hawthorn 8m 3 S
Washington Hawthorn 10m 3 S
Russian Olive Tree 8m 2 S
Dwarf Burning Bush Treeform 2m 3 S, PS
Euonymus Treeform 2m 5 S, SH
American Beech 30m 4 S, SH
European Beech 20m 4 S
Beth Beech 12m 4 S
Fernleaf Beech 16m 4 S
Purple Beech 15m 4 S
Rivers Beech 20m 4 S
Rohan Beech 11m 4 S
Spaeth Beech 25m 4 S
Tri-Colour Beech 13m 4 S
Dawyck Gold Beech 10m 4 S
Purple Dawyck Beech 12m 4 S
Red Obelisk Beech 13m 4 S
Pendula Beech 12m 4 S
Purple Fountain Beech 6m 4 S
Purpurea Pendula Beech 6m 4 S
White Ash 20m 4 S
Autumn Purple Ash 20m 4 S
Manitou Ash 10m 4 S
European Ash 25m 4 S, PS
Green Ash 20m 4 S
Patmore Ash 20m 4 S
Summit Ash 20m 4 S
Vareigated Ash 12m 4 S
Fall Gold Ash 17m 3 S
Blue Ash 12m 5 S, PS
Maiden Hair Tree (Ginko Biloba) 18m 3 S, SH
Shade Master Locust 17m 4 S
Skyline Locust 15m 4 S
Sunburst Locust 15m 4 S
Kentucky Coffee Tree 15m 5 S
Rose of Sharon Tree 4m 6 S, PS
Peegee Hydrangea Treeform 4m 4 S, PS
Golden Rain Tree 10m 6 S
Golden Chain Tree 5m 6 S, PS
 Tulip Tree 25m 5 S, PS
Sweet Gum Tree 20m 6 S
Magnolia Tree (19 varieties avail.) 3-15m 4-5 S
Bechtel Crabapple 8m 4 S
Columnar Siberian Crabapple 8m 4 S
Profusion Crabapple 6m 4 S
Radiant Crabapple 6m 4 S
Royalty Crabapple 6m 4 S
Sargeant Crabapple 5m 4 S
Snowdrift Crabapple 6m 4 S
Red Jade Crabapple 5m 4 S
Cheal's Crabapple 5m 4 S
Crabapple (many more varieties available
- most common listed here)
Fruitless Weeping Mulberry 2m 4 S
Fruiting Weeping Mulberry 2m 4 S
Dawn Redwood 25m 5 S
Ironwood 12m 4 S, SH
Amur Cork Tree 12m 4 S
Mock Orange Treeform 3m 4 S, SH
London Plane Tree 20m 6 S, PS
Bolleana Poplar 13m 3 S
Carolina Poplar 20m 2 S
Balsam Poplar 20m 2 S
Theve's Poplar 20m 4 S
Trembling Aspen 20m 2 S
Newport Flowering Plum 5m 4 S
Purple Sandcherry Treeform 250cm 3 S
Purple Mayday Tree 10m 3 S
Black Cherry 18m 2 S
Weeping Japanese Cherry 250cm 6 S
Kwanzan Japanese Cherry 7m 6 S
Columnar Japanese Cherry 6m 5 S
Flowering Almond Treeform 250cm 4 S
Schubert Chokecherry 6m 3 S
Aristocrat Ornamental Pear 11m 5 S
Bradford Ornamental Pear 15m 5 S
Capital Ornamental Pear 11m 5 S
Chanticleer Ornamental Pear 10m 5 S
Redspire Ornamental Pear 12m 5 S
White Oak 20m 4 S
Swamp White Oak 20m 3 S
Burr Oak 20m 3 S
Pin Oak (Swamp Oak) 20m 4 S
English Oak 18m 4 S
Pyramidal English Oak 12m 5 S
Crimson Spire Oak 14m 5 S
Red Oak 25m 3 S
Rose Acacia Tree 8m 6 S
Black Locust 15m 4 S
Purple Robe Locust 15m 4 S
Golden Weeping Willow 20m 4 S
Clatsop Willow 3m 4 S
Weeping Pussy Willow 2m 4 S
Dappled Willow Tree 3m 4 S
Corkscrew Willow 12m 4 S
Silver Creeping Willow Tree 2m 4 S
Korean Mountain Ash 12m 4 S
European Mountain Ash 8m 3 S
Black Hawk Mountain Ash 10m 4 S
Cardinal Royal Mountain Ash 10m 4 S
Pyramidal Mountain Ash 6m 4 S
Russian Mountain Ash 10m 4 S
Showy Mountain Ash 10m 2 S
Oakleaf Mountain Ash 8m 5 S
Japanese Snowbell 10m 5 S, SH
Chinese Lilac Treeform 4m 2 S
Dwarf Korean Lilac Treeform 150cm 4 S
Miss Kim Dwarf Lilac Treeform 2.5m 4 S
Ivory Silk Lilac 8m 2 S
French Hybrid Lilac Treeform 4m 2 S
Basswood (American Linden) 20m 3 S
Little Leaf Linden 20m 4 S
Degroot Linden 12m 4 S
Glenleven Linden 15m 4 S
Greenspire Linden 16m 4 S
Camperdown Elm 250cm 5 S
Homestead Elm 18m 5 S
Pioneer Elm 25m 5 S
Fragrant Snowball Treeform 2m 5 S
Pink Dawn Viburnum Treeform 2m 6 S
Korean Spice Viburnum Treeform 2m 5 S, PS
Nannyberry Treeform 8m 3 S, SH
Snowball Treeform 3m 4 S, SH
Doublefile Viburnum Treeform 3m 4 S, SH
Weigela Treeform 2m 5 S, SH
Japanese Zelkova 16m 5 S
Black Walnut 20m 5 S
Japanese Maple
(see Section on Japanese Maples)

Shade Tolerant - Trees and Shrubs

  • Five-Leaf Aralia
  • Rhododendron, Azalea
  • Boxwood
  • Snowberry, Coralberry
  • Dogwood
  • False Spirea
  • Mountain Laurel
  • Japanese Pieris
  • Honeysuckle
  • Some Hydrangeas
  • Some Euonymus
  • Serviceberry
  • Summersweet
  • Japanese Kerria
  • Sweetspire
  • Currants
  • American Elder
  • Some Viburnums
  • Canadian Helmlock
  • Yew

Attractive Foliage - Trees and Shrubs

  • Japanese Maple
  • Crimson King Maple
  • Harlequin Maple
  • Barberry
  • Dogwood
  • Purple Smokebush
  • Euonymus
  • False Cypress
  • Juniper
  • Golden Privet
  • Purple Sandcherry
  • Ninebark
  • Golden Mock Orange
  • Weigela

Impressive Flowers - Trees, Shrubs and Vines

  • Chestnut
  • Serviceberry
  • Butterfly Bush
  • Bluebeard
  • Flowering Quince
  • Clematis
  • Summersweet
  • Dogwood
  • Smokebush
  • Hawthorn
  • Forsythia
  • Witch Hazel
  • Rose of Sharon
  • Hydrangea
  • Magnolia
  • Crabapple
  • Potentilla
  • Flowering Cherries
  • Ornamental Pear
  • Rhododendron, Azalea
  • Roses
  • Elderberry
  • Spirea
  • Lilac
  • Viburnum

Salt Tolerant - Trees and Shrubs

  • Norway Maple
  • Horse Chestnut
  • Tree of Heaven
  • Peashrub
  • Shagbark Hickory
  • Russian Olive
  • Burning Bush
  • White Ash
  • Honey Locust
  • Juniper
  • Larch
  • Honeysuckle
  • Colorado Spruce
  • Mugho Pine
  • Austrian Pine
  • Poplars
  • Chokecherry
  • Pears
  • Oaks
  • Staghorn Sumac
  • Alpine Current
  • Rugosa Rose
  • False Spirea
  • Mountain Ash
  • Bridalwreath Spirea
  • Snowberry, Coralberry
  • Lilac
  • Tamarisk

Good Fall Colour - Trees and Shrubs

  • Amur Maple
  • Japanese Maple
  • Red Maple
  • Sugar Maple
  • Birches
  • Katsura Tree
  • Dogwoods
  • Hawthorn
  • Burning Bush
  • Ashes
  • Maidenhair Tree
  • Larch
  • Virgina Creeper
  • Pin Oak
  • Red Oak
  • Ornamental Pear
  • Sumacs
  • Flowering Currant
  • Shrub and Wild Roses
  • Mountain Ash
  • Arrowwood
  • Nannybery
  • Serviceberry